Download BlueVibes

There is currently no installer as BlueVibes is still in alpha version.
To install, download the ZIP-file bellow and unpack it to the destination of your choice. If you run “BlueVibes.exe” for the first time, Windows might ask you to install the latest .NET version. This is necessary in order to run the program.

Check this list to find out if your favorite toy is compatible.

System requirements:

  • Windows 7 or higher
  • Bluetooth connectivity (adapter or build in)
  • Intiface® Central installed
  • Any internet connection
  • Around 5MB of disk space

More information about installation can be found on the support page

Make sure you have Intiface® Central installed! This is needed as bridge between BlueVibes and your favorite toy!


BlueVibes 0.1.1 alpha

If you are able to support the project with buying us coffee, we would greatly appreciate it!
Buy us coffee!

Find out how to install and use the app on the support page.